Pastor’s Corner

Rev. Edgar B. Brillantes

March 2, 2025

By Rev. Fr. Edgar B. Brillantes

FOCUS: The sting of death has been banished by the victory of Christ.
In the second reading we heard that death is no longer something to be feared, for it has been swal-lowed up by the victory of Christ: Where, O death, is your sting? Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have transformed death into the road to eternal life. Therefore, in this life, we must labor with the steadfast hope of attaining heaven, certain that if we strive to serve the Lord our work is not in vain.

First Reading: Sirach 27:4-7
Today’s first reading warns of the power of speech to reveal one’s faults.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:54-58
In the second reading, Paul explains that Jesus has defeated sin, the cause of death.

Gospel: Luke 6:39-45
In the Gospel,