Pastor’s Corner

Rev. Edgar B. Brillantes

By Rev. Fr. Edgar B. Brillantes

July 14, 2024

FOCUS: God sends us on mission and provides us with the riches of his grace.
We heard in the second reading that God has lavished the riches of his grace upon us. He calls us,
and he accompanies us in that call. God will ask much of us, but let us not be afraid, for God’s call is
an invitation to live fully, richly, and generously.

First Reading: Amos: 7:12-15
In the first reading, Amos is called a prophet by a priest of Bethel. He responds that God took him
from following the flock as a shepherd and sent him to prophesy.

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
In the epistle, Paul writes that we are chosen and that God has blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing.

Gospel: Mark 6:7-13
In the Gospel, Jesus sends the Twelve out two by two and instructs them to take nothing for their